
February 16, 2025

JavaScript 100 Days Roadmap


πŸ“Œ Videos 1-20 → JS Foundation Concepts [ First Programming Lang ]

πŸ“Œ Videos 21-40 → JS DOM Manipulation [ Real time learning ]

πŸ“Œ Videos 41-60 → APIs & Async JavaScript [ Heart of Development ]

πŸ“Œ Videos 61-80 → Advanced JavaScript Concepts [ Become Pro ]

πŸ”₯Phase 1: JavaScript Basics (Videos 1-25)

  1. Introduction to JavaScript
  2. How to Add JavaScript to HTML
  3. Variables (var, let, const)
  4.  Data Types (String, Number, Boolean, Undefined, Null)
  5. Type Conversion in JavaScript
  6. Operators (Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical)
  7. Conditional Statements (if-else, switch-case)
  8. Loops (for, while, do-while, forEach)
  9. Functions (Declaration, Expression, Arrow Functions)
  10. Scope & Hoisting in JavaScript
  11. Template Literals & String Methods
  12. Math Object & Random Numbers
  13. Date Object in JavaScript
  14. Objects (Properties, Methods, Nested Objects)
  15. Arrays (CRUD Operations, Iteration)
  16. Array Methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, splice, slice)
  17. Advanced Array Methods (map, filter, reduce, find)
  18. Destructuring Objects & Arrays
  19. Spread and Rest Operators
  20. ES6 Features Overview
  21. πŸ‘¨‍πŸ’» Mini Projects:
    βœ” Simple Calculator
    βœ” Digital Clock
    βœ” Word Counter

πŸš€ Phase 2: DOM Manipulation (Videos 25-50)

  1. What is the DOM?
  2. Selecting Elements (getElementById, querySelector)
  3. Modifying HTML & CSS with JavaScript
  4. Adding & Removing Elements (appendChild, removeChild)
  5. Handling Click Events
  6. Keyboard Events (keydown, keyup, keypress)
  7. Mouse Events (mouseover, mouseout, mouseenter)
  8. Event Delegation & Bubbling
  9. Event Capturing & Prevent Default
  10. Working with Forms & Input Fields
  11. Form Validation (Email, Password, Required Fields)
  12. Local Storage vs. Session Storage
  13. Storing & Retrieving Data in Local Storage
  14. Dynamically Creating Elements with JavaScript
  15. Working with Checkboxes & Radio Buttons
  16. Creating and Using Modal Popups
  17. Custom Alert and Confirmation Boxes
  18. Drag & Drop API in JavaScript
  19.  Scroll Events & Lazy Loading
  20. Creating a Simple Image Slider
  21. πŸ‘¨‍πŸ’»  Mini Projects:
    βœ” To-Do List App
    βœ” Theme Switcher (Dark/Light Mode)
    βœ” Form Validation

πŸ’– Phase 3: Asynchronous JavaScript (Videos 50-75)

  1. Synchronous vs Asynchronous JavaScript
  2. Understanding the Event Loop
  3. Callbacks & Callback Hell
  4. Introduction to Promises
  5. then & catch with Promises
  6. finally in Promises
  7. Promise.all, Promise.any, Promise.race
  8. Async/Await in JavaScript
  9. Error Handling in Async/Await
  10. Introduction to Fetch API
  11. Fetching Data from an API (GET Request)
  12. Handling Errors in API Calls
  13. Sending Data with Fetch (POST Request)
  14. Using JSON in JavaScript
  15. Introduction to the XMLHttpRequest Object
  16. Working with APIs & Third-Party Services
  17. AJAX in JavaScript
  18. Debouncing & Throttling in JavaScript
  19. Animating with setInterval & setTimeout
  20. Real-World API Integration
  21. πŸ‘¨‍πŸ’»  Mini Projects:
    βœ” Weather App (Fetch API)
    βœ” Random Joke Generator
    βœ” News App with API

🎯Phase 4: Advanced JavaScript Concepts (Videos 75-100)

  1. JavaScript Execution Context
  2. Understanding Call Stack & Memory Heap
  3. Understanding this Keyword in JavaScript
  4. Call, Apply, and Bind Methods
  5. Closures in JavaScript (Deep Dive)
  6. JavaScript Currying
  7. Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript
  8. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript
  9. ES6 Classes & Constructors
  10. Understanding new Keyword
  11. Working with Getters & Setters
  12. Private & Static Methods in JavaScript
  13. Factory Functions vs Constructor Functions
  14. Understanding JavaScript Modules (import/export)
  15. Web Storage API (Cookies vs Local Storage vs Session Storage)
  16. JavaScript Memory Leaks & Optimization
  17. WeakMap & WeakSet in JavaScript
  18. Understanding Symbols & Iterators
  19. Creating & Using Custom Events
  20. Introduction to Web Components
  21. πŸ‘¨‍πŸ’»  Mini Projects:
    βœ” Expense Tracker
    βœ” Custom Modal Pop-up
    βœ” JavaScript Puzzle Game
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